Digital Employee vs. a Regular Intelligent Agent: What’s the Difference?
Consider the analogy of a driverless car. A car with automated features like cruise control or obstacle avoidance but still needs a driver doesn’t fully relieve humans from driving. Such a car remains a “tool” requiring human operation.
In contrast, a fully driverless car, which operates without a driver, fundamentally differs from other intelligent cars by eliminating human involvement in driving, both operationally and financially.
In this metaphor, the car with automated features is akin to regular intelligent agents requiring human intervention, while the fully driverless car is akin to Digital Employees.
This distinction is what sets apart. We’re not just creating a regular class of intelligent agents but a class of “digital employees.” is like a WordPress builder for creating AI Digital Employees. This means they embody 4 elements: presence in the physical world, omnichannel, omniflow and omniuser capabilities.
To our knowledge, no other intelligent agent builder currently allows businesses to create a digital employee class agent in 2 hours, 2 days, or even 2 weeks. While it’s theoretically possible to create a digital employee class of intelligent agent using Python or regular Agent builders, it would likely take many many months to achieve and will also need ongoing efforts to maintain and keep them updated.
Updated 11 months ago